# 🩸 Blood Castle

# Blood Castle 1

Recompensa Porcentaje
🪙 Ruud 100-1000 100%
🧌 Goblin Points 1-300 100%
💎 Jewel Aleatoria x5 100%
🎁 BloodAngel Soul 5%

# Blood Castle 2 - 6

Recompensa Porcentaje
🪙 Ruud 300-3000 100%
🧌 Goblin Points 1-500 100%
📦 Mastery Box 100%
💎 Jewel Aleatoria x7 100%
🧿 Talisman of Chaos 25%
🔮 Talisman of Chaos Assembly 25%
🎁 BloodAngel Soul 5%

# Blood Castle 7 - 8

Recompensa Porcentaje
🪙 Ruud 500-3500 100%
🧌 Goblin Points 1-600 100%
📦 Mastery Box 100%
💎 Jewel Aleatoria x10 100%
🧿 Talisman of Chaos 25%
🔮 Talisman of Chaos Assembly 25%
🎁 BloodAngel Soul 5%